Liquid Metal surface properties and plasma material interactions for plasma-facing component development in NSTX-U
J. P. Allain, Pennsylvania State University (Principal Investigator)
B. E. Koel, Princeton University (Co-Investigator)
K. B. Woller, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Co-Investigator)
We aim to establish the physics and engineering basis of slow-flow, or “hybrid”, plasma-facing component (PFC) materials that can provide a transformational enabling capability to investigate particle exhaust and plasma-material interaction (PMI) control via lithium (Li) pumping in the National Spherical Torus Experiment Upgrade (NSTX-U) portfolio. Nanostructured porous tungsten (W) PFCs can provide one possible platform to deliver Li to the surface in a controlled manner compared to fast-flowing liquid Li approaches that carry with them intrinsic risk and safety concerns. We will investigate a robust architected porous W interface that can introduce small amounts of Li whereby the first few microns is permeated with Li by 100% wetting of W surfaces provided by nanopatterned structures designed to maximize Li wettability. A multi-institutional team consisting of three universities will advance the science of liquid-metal (LM) research in NSTX-U for architected porous refractory metal substrates used with liquid Li PFCs.
The focus of this project is on surface science research and liquid metal plasma-facing component development in the NSTX-U. Lithium-based LMs (e.g. Li, Li-Sn alloy) and candidate porous W substrate materials will be studied and developed over the course of the project. This research will also identify optimized porous W architectures ultimately providing sample modules for testing in NSTX-U plasma environments and future designs for possible deployment in NSTX-U. The collaborative team is organized as follows: 1) Dr. J. P. Allain of Penn State University will lead the development of novel engineered refractory-metal substrates that can enhance LM interaction and study the dynamics of wettability of the LM on these substrates; 2) Dr. B. E. Koel of Princeton University will lead studies of fundamental properties of LM PFCs including surface chemistry at temperatures seen and foreseen in NSTX-U; and 3) Dr. K. B. Woller of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology will lead studies of compositional changes and hydrogenic retention under high-fluence plasma exposure.
This project addresses key aspects of the NSTX-U mission and plans by the study of so-called slow-flow or “hybrid” technologies providing liquid Li (low-Z) pre-filled refractory metal (high-Z) plasma-facing component materials and establishing an understanding of their surface and PMI properties for use in NSTX-U. In addition to establishing a physics basis for these PFCs, this proposal will help establish the engineering basis of future PFC divertor upgrade(s) preparing for the next NSTX-U Five-Year Plan (2026-2030) whose central element would be a Liquid Lithium program.