This researh is focused in unconventional superconductors possessing a pairing symmetry different from the
s-wave pairing, an area that is at the center stage of condensed matter physics research. The first goal of the proposed research is to establish the precise pairing symmetries in pure Sr
4. There is little doubt that Sr
4 is a spin-triplet superconductor. However, whether its precise pairing symmetry is that of the chiral
p-wave has not been settled, primarily because the expected gapless chiral surface states have not been observed.
Our second goal is to explore the consequences of the unconventional pairing symmetry in these two material systems. If Sr2RuO4 is indeed shown to be chiral p-wave or chiral f-wave as described above, novel physical phenomena are expected, which include gapless chiral surface states, domains (originating from the presence of doubly degenerate p-wave, kx + i ky and kx - i ky, or f-wave, (kx + i ky) kz2 and (kx - i ky) kz2, states), half-flux-quantum vortices, and Majorana modes.
Our third goal is to study the physics of compounds related to Sr2RuO4 , including Sr3Ru2O7 and Ca3Ru2O7 so as to obtain insights into the mechanism of superconductivity in Sr2RuO4.
To accomplish these goals we propose to: 1) perform phase-sensitive measurements on the kz-dependence of the order parameter for Sr2RuO4; 2) perform Little-Parks resistance oscillations and scanning SQUID measurements to search for half-flux-quantum flux states; and 3) to perform low temperature transport and thermoelectric transport measurements on Sr3Ru2O7 and Ca3Ru2O7.
Work proposed here is expected to create opportunities for fundamental discoveries and an improved understanding of unconventional superconductivity. In addition, the establishment of half-flux-quantum flux states will pave the way for identifying and making use of localized Majorana modes that will in turn help advance future quantum computing technologies.