Emergent phases, transport, and nonequilibrium dynamics of interacting Majorana fermions
Dr. Armin Rahmani (Associate Professor)
Co-PI: Jianxin Zhu2
1: Western Washington University, Bellingham, WA 98225
2: Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM 87544
This research focuses on interactions between many Majorana fermions, particles with fascinating properties that can emerge in whirlpool-like electronic structures called vortices in special materials known as topological superconductors. They can be thought of as mathematical counterparts to electrons but with no electric charge. The project's goals are first to construct realistic models of interacting Majorana fermions relevant to quantum materials and then explore distinct phases of quantum matter that emerge in models with different arrangements of vortices as a function of physical parameters such as the distance between vortices and electronic voltages applied to the system. The research will also focus on how these distinct phases transition from one to another. The project will examine how interacting Majorana fermions respond when the system is driven out of equilibrium by suddenly changing or periodically driving various physical parameters. Another critical component of this research is identifying signatures of Majorana fermions coupled to metallic or superconducting materials, which are electronically probed. Finally, the project utilizes quantum computing devices for studying interacting Majorana fermions, providing physical realizations for table-top analogs of supersymmetry and black hole physics that arise from interacting Majorana fermions.
The research approach involves mathematically combining pairs of Majorana fermions into more familiar particles called regular fermions. Established methods used to study correlated electrons are then applied to analyze the interacting Majorana models. In conjunction with analytical techniques, the project relies on two powerful numerical methods: the density-matrix renormalization group (DMRG) and numerical variational approaches. Time-dependent DMRG will be used to study the dynamical properties of interacting Majorana fermions. The project uses a combination of boundary conformal field theory and DMRG for investigating one-dimensional wires connected to Majorana-based structures. Finally, the project leverages the quantum computing device as a novel experimental platform.
This project will provide valuable training and internship opportunities for a postdoctoral researcher and an undergraduate student through direct collaboration between academia and National Laboratories, providing access to state-of-the-art computational facilities and contributing to the research capabilities and resources.