Laser-plasma accelerators (LPAs) are emerging as a revolutionary technology for particle acceleration, offering electric fields orders of magnitude stronger than those in traditional radiofrequency (RF) accelerators. This advancement holds great promise for creating compact and efficient accelerators with applications in medicine, security, materials science, and potentially a next-generation energy-frontier particle collider. In an LPA setup, an intense laser pulse passing through plasma generates a strong wave that accelerates particles to high speeds, with the plasma creating the electric fields and guiding the laser pulse for sustained acceleration over long distances.
To advance LPA technology, it is essential to develop highly efficient and controllable plasma sources. Microwave resonant structures are ideally suited for this, concentrating electromagnetic energy to achieve high-density plasma with minimal input power. By using a high-quality microwave resonator, we can create stable, long-lasting plasma that meets the stringent requirements of particle acceleration. These "cold plasma" sources operate with low temperatures for heavy particles, high ionization, and stability, ensuring consistent performance without overheating.
This project aims to investigate the principles behind resonant microwave plasmas (RMP) to develop efficient cold plasma sources specifically tailored to compact LPAs. Combining theoretical analysis, modeling, and experimental investigation, we seek to identify the factors that influence the stability and performance of these plasma sources. Cold plasmas already benefit society in areas such as plasma medicine, water treatment, food preservation, material processing, electric propulsion, and environmental protection. By advancing our understanding of RMP technology, we aim to develop a new generation of plasma accelerators that are smaller, more energy-efficient, and equipped for applications in scientific research and practical uses across various fields.