The goal of this project is to maintain and strengthen a world-class, nationally and internationally recognized experimental high energy physics group at Louisiana Tech University, focusing on research at the energy frontier with the ATLAS experiment at the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC), and providing leadership within the US-ATLAS community in the areas of jet physics and searches in jet final states, SUSY searches, high performance computing, GP/GPUs applications in high energy physics, and jet trigger upgrades.
Specific objectives for meeting this goal, as detailed in the project narrative, are:
1) Complete and publish our ongoing multijet analyses of the 2011--2012 ATLAS jet data.
2) Continue to develop and publish new and innovative jet measurements at the LHC.
3) Complete and publish our ongoing ATLAS search for SUSY production through same-sign dilepton final states.
5) Continue our leadership in service roles on the ATLAS experiment, in the data quality monitoring and jet trigger groups, and simulation and reconstruction group.
6) Continue to develop upgrade plans for the ATLAS jet triggers including both simulation studies and the development of test triggers.
7) Contribute to the evolving plans for ATLAS trigger upgrades for high luminosity running (Phase II), specifically in the are of GPU application for triggering.
8) Continue and expand our training and education activities for students at the undergraduate, master's, and doctoral levels, including recruitment of students from traditionally under-represented groups.