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DE-SC0019139: Foundations of Quantum Computing for Gauge Theories and Quantum Gravity

Award Status: Active
  • Institution: University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA
  • UEI: Z1H9VJS8NG16
  • DUNS: 062761671
  • Most Recent Award Date: 08/22/2024
  • Number of Support Periods: 6
  • PM: Love, Jeremy
  • Current Budget Period: 09/01/2023 - 12/31/2024
  • Current Project Period: 09/01/2023 - 12/31/2024
  • PI: Meurice, Yannick
  • Supplement Budget Period: 9/1/2024 - 12/31/2024

Public Abstract

Foundations of Quantum Computing for Gauge Theories and Quantum Gravity

Yannick Meurice, University of Iowa (Principal Investigator); Alexei Bazavov, Michigan State University (Co-Investigator); David Berenstein, UCSB (Co-Investigator); Richard Brower, BU (Co-Investigator); Simon Catterall, Syracuse University (Co-Investigator)

Quantum computers are expected to exceed the capacity of classical computers and to revolutionize several aspects of computation especially for the simulation of quantum systems. We develop new methods for using quantum computers to study aspects of the evolution of strongly interacting particles in collisions and the quantum behavior of gravitational systems  which are beyond the reach of classical computing.

Our goal is to design the building blocks of universal quantum computers relevant for these problems and develop algorithms which scale optimally with the size of the system. The research takes place by exploring individual models, starting with systems in low dimensions and moving up in dimension as we progress. The scientists involved come from different communities (lattice gauge theory, quantum gravity and quantum information) and are working together to achieve these goals. This should contribute to our understanding of fundamental interactions and improve our ability to deal with complex computational problems. It should have long-term beneficial effects for the society.

The project involves the design and testing of efficient quantum algorithms for real-time evolution based on the tensorial and quantum link formulations of field theory models relevant to  high energy physics.

We have started to work with cold atoms and trapped ion experimentalists from Harvard, University of Maryland and the MPQ in Garching to help setup quantum simulations experiments focused on the critical and out-of-equilibrium behaviors of lattice gauge theory models. We are actively involved in a benchmarking effort  involving existing commercial  quantum computing devices such as the IBMQ machines, QuEra and University laboratories.


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