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DE-SC0009824: University of Florida Intensity Frontier Program

Award Status: Active
  • Institution: University of Florida, Gainesville, FL
  • DUNS: 969663814
  • Most Recent Award Date: 03/18/2024
  • Number of Support Periods: 12
  • PM: Beckford, Brian
  • Current Budget Period: 04/01/2024 - 03/31/2025
  • Current Project Period: 07/01/2023 - 03/31/2026
  • PI: Ray, Heather
  • Supplement Budget Period: N/A

Public Abstract


University of Florida Intensity Frontier Program

Applicant (PI) Heather Ray

Applicant (co-PI) Ivan Furic

Applicant (co-PI) John Yelton

University of Florida, Gainesville FL 32611


The University of Florida is involved in two separate research areas under the Intensity Frontier umbrella.  We are heavily involved with the study of neutrino physics (Ray and Furic) and in the study of e+e- annihilations using Belle II (Yelton).


The objectives of the neutrino portion of the proposal are: to perform the neutrino-electron scattering flux constraint and ne CC inclusive cross section measurement using SBND data; search for low-mass sterile neutrinos that can resolve the tension of confusing observations seen in the neutrino sector; search for other new physics signatures including light Dark Matter; and continue to make meaningful contributions to the detector development of DUNE. 


These objectives are expected to have important positive impact by providing a precision test of current theoretical models, greatly improving the precision of current measurements, definitively probing some outstanding mysteries in the neutrino sector, and as vital input to the future experimental program of DUNE. 


The principal objective of the Belle (II) portion of this proposal is the on-going analysis of charmed baryon phenomena using Belle II data, some of which incorporates previously taken Belle data.  There is particular emphasis on decays which include photons, for which competing experiments are not optimal, and in excited hyperons in the intermediate states.  In addition, development of specific software for the Belle II collaboration is proposed, along with management of the charm working group for Belle and Belle II.


Both research areas fit well into the description of the Intensity Frontier.


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