All-optical quantum techniques for fusion research
Jennifer Choy, University of Wisconsin-Madison (Principal Investigator)
Benedikt Geiger, University of Wisconsin-Madison (Co-Investigator)
David Smith, University of Wisconsin-Madison (Co-Investigator)
Plasma diagnostics, such as detection of particle species and characterization of magnetic fields in plasmas, are essential in any magnetically confined fusion experiments since they enable critical understanding that can improve the stability and efficiency of fusion processes. Quantum information science provides exciting opportunities to advance the state-of-the-art in plasma diagnostics. For example, quantum sensing based on atoms allows for precision measurements and manipulation of quantum states of matter, while quantum entanglement provides a powerful resource to push measurement limits beyond the capability of classical tools. Taking advantage of advancements in quantum sensing and quantum optics, this project will implement all-optical quantum techniques that are tailored to operate under the harsh conditions in plasmas and can significantly expand the capabilities of plasma diagnostic measurements. In particular, quantum-entangled photons will be used to improve the speed and selectivity at which different atomic impurities can be excited and detected in plasmas, while sensitive quantum magnetometers will be implemented to directly image and monitor long-term evolutions in the magnetic fields generated by the plasma current. These all-optical quantum techniques will address critical needs in both fundamental understanding and measurement capabilities for developing reliable and stable steady-state fusion devices.