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Title ImagePublic Abstract


DE-SC0025473: Infrastructure and Application Aware Reduction Methods for Scientific Data

Award Status: Active
  • Institution: New York University, New York, NY
  • DUNS: 041968306
  • Most Recent Award Date: 09/12/2024
  • Number of Support Periods: 1
  • PM: Spotz, William
  • Current Budget Period: 09/01/2024 - 08/31/2025
  • Current Project Period: 09/01/2024 - 08/31/2027
  • PI: Vanden-Eijnden, Eric
  • Supplement Budget Period: N/A

Public Abstract

R. Archibald, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (Principal Investigator)
A. Gelb, Dartmouth College (Co-Investigator)
L. Rebholz, Clemson University (Co-Investigator)
E. Vanden- Eijnden, New York University (Co-Investigator)

The objective of this project is to extend recent developments in compressive sensing, statistical 
machine learning, and data assimilation tools to design data reduction methods uniquely capable for 
the emerging US Department of Energy (DOE) infrastructure being built for interconnected science 
and analysis of computa- tional, experimental, and observational data. A critical feature of 
scientific data, in contrast to other types of data, is that (possibly unknown) physical principles 
lie at the foundation. Hence the reduction methods in this proposal seek to optimize for known 
physical properties as well as discover the underlying character- istics of unknown physical 
properties. Importantly, while DOE scientific research is constantly growing in size and scale, 
there are efforts to evolve into a new paradigm that considers more connected, collaborative, 
autonomous, and real-time environments – creating exciting opportunities and challenges for data 
reduction which the proposed research aims to address.
As they relate to the proposed work, key data reduction challenges facing the DOE include: (1) the 
in- corporation of known or discovered scientific information into data reduction; (2) progressive 
data reduction with tight error bounds near the point of generation taking advantage of 
similarities across the interconnected infrastructure to optimize information flow; (3) uncertainty 
quantification for data with noise, error, or miss- ing elements; and (4) the ability to 
effectively use new computing architecture, both centralized and at the edge, in order to 
accelerate analysis through computation on reduced data. We propose the following three research 
thrusts for developing methods in compressed sensing (CS), statistical/machine learning (ML), and 
continuous data assimilation (CDA) for the data reduction challenges at the DOE.
Thrust 1: CS Methods for Data Reduction on Distributed Data in Scientific Ecosystems. We have 
devel- oped new CS frameworks, adapted to the challenges of scientific data reduction, that can 
preserve structure and known properties (prior information). We will derive new CS methods that can 
optimize compression on distributed data across the DOE complex, providing progressively rank 
information and tight error es- timation, that can be used to accelerate end-point analysis, 
optimize network communication, and order data storage, and prioritize information for streaming.
Thrust 2: Statistical/ML Reduction Methods for Scientific Data. This team has developed statistical 
interpolation/generative models and homotopy methods that can reduce data size and dimension while 
preserving the statistical properties of original data. We will develop progressive statistical 
data reduction (SDR) for the DOE challenges of storage/ transmission and accelerate machine 
learning and analysis.
Thrust 3: CDA to Reduce Required Amount of Simulation Data. We have developed temporal/spatial CDA 
methods for data reduction of streaming scientific simulations. We will develop new CDA methods 
that will allow local users to interact and analyze high resolution leadership computing facilities 
(LCFs) simulations given their limited data transfer and computing budget.
This team consists of experts in these three thrust areas from Clemson University, Dartmouth 
College, New York University, and Oak Ridge National Laboratory. The diverse aspects of scientific 
data will require different approaches for reduction, and this proposal is designed to develop a 
variety of different reduction methods for this purpose. We explain in this proposal, unique 
connections between thrust, where the methods developed in each thrust can complement each other. 
We will demonstrate our methods in this proposal, with applications that span the domain of 
scientific data, on neutron and X-ray light facility data, climate science observational and 
simulation data, and LCF fluid/gas/plasma simulation data.

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